Thursday, September 18, 2008

June Cleaver goes to soccer practice to show off her tattoos.

Things are much better this week. I'm still broke, but so is everyone else in the country and I admit I like to avoid my misery getting lonely. The left-sided ataxia has let up and I actually had a few days at work that didn't suck ass. I'm on day 2 of a 3 day stretch of no work, and I allowed myself the luxury or sleeping all day after I took the kids to school. It was blissful, guilt free sleep because I had the foresight and the energy to get my house clean yesterday so that I could actually enjoy being stuck in the house with no money. I didn't even feel the pangs on June Cleaver-itis that usually drive me to scrub and scrub. (June Cleaver-itis is an infection acquired by only women upon giving birth. Symptoms include over-zealousness about their families' healthy diet and an unsuppressable sense that they are only decent mothers if their children live in a spotless home.)

After ridding the house of clutter and sludge, I used the gift cert. for the tattoo shop that my husband gave me for our anniversary (Year 1 is supposed to be "paper", right?) to get some work done on my tattoo. It's a large piece on my left side. I've had the outline a while and now I've got the first third of color down. DH stopped by the shop and watched for a few minutes. I have lotsa tats but he's never done that before. He said he wants one too. My tattoo artist said I made it look easy, cause it really hurts like hell on the ribs. DH ws impressed. I kept to myself that there were a few little spots that I couldn't even feel. No need to give MS any credit for my toughness, I think.

It's a stroke of luck that I'm off on a Thursday because that means I get to take my son, E, to soccer practice. And Thursday is the late practice (7-8 pm) so it won't be as hot out and I'll get to enjoy watching his enthusiasm. Z, my daughter will go to dance practice with her aunt so I'm off the hook for cooking a real meal. Thursday is fend-for-yourself day.

I love this day.

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